Recent Posts
New Photos Added to the “PHOTOS 2022” Page
Some new photos have been added to the PHOTOS 2022 page from the Massachusetts & Vermont State Shoots. If you have any photos of New Hampshire shooters, we’d love to have them to add to the page and the archive. Please reach out to us through the CONTACT US page.
New Items Added to “FOR SALE” Page
Some new items have been added to the FOR SALE page. If you have an item you’d like listed, please reach out to us and we can get it listed!
Robert Chick Sr.
Our condolences go out to the Chick family on the passing of Robert Chick Sr. at the end of March. An entry on the “IN MEMORIAM” page has been added for Mr. Chick if you’d like to read about his life and see a few photos.
Shoot Results from Major Waldron 5/14/2022
The folks at Major Waldron were kind enough to send the results from their recent shoot. CLICK HERE to view.
Three Shoots Added at Peterborough Sportsmen’s Club
Peterborough Sportsmen’s Club has added three registered shoots this season – 7/24, 8/21 & 9/25! Please make sure to support as many of these smaller local NH shoots as you can. These shoots are always looking for volunteers – even if it’s just to relieve the scorekeepers for a lunch break.
Upcoming Events
Our Purpose
To do all things necessary and incidental to the maintenance and support of trapshooting in New Hampshire, to furnish recreational entertainment for New Hampshire citizens interested in trapshooting, and to foster the principles of good fellowship, good sportsmanship, and a higher standard of marksmanship among our members.