Recent Posts
Program Added
The program for the 2023 Maine State Shoot has been added to the event. CLICK HERE for a copy.
Doubles Clinic at Country Pond – UPDATED EMAIL
The Country Pond Fish & Game Club will be hosting a 1-day doubles clinic on Sunday, April 23, 2023. The instructor will be Mike Blaisdell. Class will be limited to 10 attendees. If you’re interested in signing up or getting more information, please contact John Cannillo at (603) 479-7120 or
New “For Sale” Item Added
A new item has been added to the FOR SALE page.
Country Pond Marathon Reminder
There was an issue with the ATA reminder for the Country Pond marathon, and it did not go out to members through the automated system as scheduled. We’re told the issue has been corrected, but we wanted to send a note as Country Pond is a new ATA club in New Hampshire and we want as many folks as possible to support them in their endeavors.
New Shoots Added
Because of our geographic proximity to our neighbors in Massachusetts, we’ve added all of the Massachusetts registered shoots and marathons as events in our “EVENTS” section below.
Upcoming Events
Our Purpose
To do all things necessary and incidental to the maintenance and support of trapshooting in New Hampshire, to furnish recreational entertainment for New Hampshire citizens interested in trapshooting, and to foster the principles of good fellowship, good sportsmanship, and a higher standard of marksmanship among our members.