Recent Posts
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Posted
A meeting of the NHTA Executive Committee was held on 10/22/2022 to discuss some agenda items. Minutes for that meeting have been posted to the DOCUMENTS page of the site if you’d like to check them out.
2022 NHTA Winter Meeting – Save The Date – Saturday, December 3rd
The NHTA winter meeting will take place on Saturday, 12/3 at Minute Man Sportsmen’s Club. Minute Man has graciously offered attendees an invitation to shoot on 12/3 prior to the meeting at member rates. A light dinner will be served at 4:00 PM, and the meeting will start promptly at 4:30 PM. Kindly RSVP to NHTA Secretary Phil Wright at so we can plan for food. Items on the agenda are discussion of the 2022 State Shoot, election of officers, announcement of the state team, report on the AIM4NH program and more. Hope to see you there!
Mike Practico
Our condolences go out to our friends in Vermont for the passing of longtime VT shooter Mike Practico. Mike passed at his home on 10/8. CLICK HERE for link to the obituary.
Country Pond Fish & Game Club
Congratulations to Country Pond Fish & Game Club for on their win at the 2022 Methuen Rod & Gun Club Trap Invitational! CLICK HERE for a team photo, or check out the PHOTOS page for some familiar New Hampshire faces!
Ammo Pre-Order Availability – Pinnacle Sports
We received an email from Pinnacle Sports in Newport & W. Lebanon that they are taking orders until 9/14/2022 for Federal Ultra Clay & Field, 12ga., 2-3/4″, 1-1/8oz, 3 dram, #8 trap loads. Price is between $80-$85 per case (depending on quantity purchased). If you are interested, please contact Jim Burroughs at 603-843-8667 by 9/14/2022 (their order goes in on 9/15).
Upcoming Events
Our Purpose
To do all things necessary and incidental to the maintenance and support of trapshooting in New Hampshire, to furnish recreational entertainment for New Hampshire citizens interested in trapshooting, and to foster the principles of good fellowship, good sportsmanship, and a higher standard of marksmanship among our members.