Recent Posts
Additional Photos Added to Badges & Barrels
A few more photos from the 2022 Badges & Barrels event have been added to the PHOTOS 2022 page. CLICK HERE to take a look at the album.
HUGE Photo Dump Just Uploaded!
A gigantic photo dump has just been uploaded to the PHOTOS 2022 page of the site. Thanks to Jim Giarrusso for always having a camera handy over the years. CLICK HERE to take a stroll down memory lane, as multiple years are covered and some familiar faces are spotlighted.
Stolen Gun – Please Be On The Lookout
On Wednesday August 3rd, New Hampshire trap shooter Nick Fenton’s truck was broken into and his trap gun was stolen. It’s a Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon Sporting, 32″ barrels, custom Manuel Ricardo stock, and a serial number serial number ending in 846S . It was in the case when stolen. It has the initials “NWF” in the grip cap. If anyone has seen this gun in the circles you travel, please reach out Manchester, NH police.
State Shoot Photos
Some photos from the 2022 New Hampshire State Shoot have been added to the PHOTOS page. CLICK HERE to check them out. Also, if you have photos we could add to the website, please go to the CONTACT US page and send us an email and we’ll connect to get them.
State Shoot Results
Thanks to all who attended the 2022 New Hampshire State Shoot this past weekend. CLICK HERE for the winners list, or check out the DOCUMENTS page under “Historical State Shoot Results”.
Upcoming Events
Our Purpose
To do all things necessary and incidental to the maintenance and support of trapshooting in New Hampshire, to furnish recreational entertainment for New Hampshire citizens interested in trapshooting, and to foster the principles of good fellowship, good sportsmanship, and a higher standard of marksmanship among our members.