Recent Posts
Meeting Minutes Added
Minutes for the 2021 Summer Association Meeting have been added to the DOCUMENTS page.
New NHTA Website Launched!
The NEW New Hampshire Trapshooting Association website ( is now officially live! Please check back often for announcements, news updates, upcoming shoots, etc. One of the newest features is that we now have the ability to showcase our vast photo archive, which goes back nearly 40 years! If you have photos hanging around, please contact our webmaster on the CONTACT page and we can get them added.
Delegates Elected for 2022 Target Year
At the summer association meeting at the state shoot, we elected delegates for the 2022 target year. Phil Wright was elected as delegate, Steve Szczechura was elected as first alternate, and Steve Grady was elected as second alternate. Congratulations!
Upcoming Events
Our Purpose
To do all things necessary and incidental to the maintenance and support of trapshooting in New Hampshire, to furnish recreational entertainment for New Hampshire citizens interested in trapshooting, and to foster the principles of good fellowship, good sportsmanship, and a higher standard of marksmanship among our members.