Recent Posts
Are you on our eBlast List?
Did you know we have an eBlast distribution list for meeting and important NHTA announcements? If you have provided us with an email address when you pay your dues you’re already on it. If you’re not on it and would like to be, go to the CONTACT US page and scroll to the bottom. There is a link and a QR code you can use to get on the distribution.
Photos Added
Photos have been added to the PHOTOS page.
Welcome Allisen Reese & Steve Haynes
We’d like to welcome two new NHTA members – Allisen Reese and her husband Steve Haynes – who are relocating to New Hampshire from Arizona where they do quite a bit of trapshooting. If you see them out an about at upcoming shoots, please say hello! As always, if anyone would like us to add their profile photo to the MEMBER DIRECTORY please send us an email by way of the CONTACT US page.
Holden P’s Doe
Congratulations to Holden P on his 123 lb. doe! CLICK HERE for a photo of the doe (and CLICK HERE for a photo of the gigantic tuna he caught back in September)! Both photos have been added to the PHOTOS page of the site.
2023 State Team Annouced
2023 State Team members were announced last night at the NHTA Winter Meeting. Congratulations to all, and especially the two first-time achievers John Cannillo and Marc Goldfarb! Check out the STATE TEAM page for photos and average information on this year’s State Team.
Upcoming Events
Our Purpose
To do all things necessary and incidental to the maintenance and support of trapshooting in New Hampshire, to furnish recreational entertainment for New Hampshire citizens interested in trapshooting, and to foster the principles of good fellowship, good sportsmanship, and a higher standard of marksmanship among our members.