Recent Posts
New “For Sale” Item Added
New items added to the FOR SALE page.
G.O.A.L. Seminar on Massachusetts Gun Law
If you have questions and/or are concerned about the impacts of the new Massachusetts gun law on your shooting activities in Massachusetts, GOAL (Gun Owners Action League) will be holding a free seminar on the new Massachusetts gun law at Minute Man Sportsmen’s Club on Sunday, January 26, 2025 starting at 1:00 PM. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED AND THE SEMINAR IS FREE. This seminar focuses on the mandates, changes and effects of Chapter 135 of the Acts of 20o24. The seminar covers everything for both residents and non-residents, LEO’s and retailers.
New Shoots Added
Many new shoot dates for 2025 have been added to our “EVENTS” section below.
New “For Sale” Item Added – ATA Hall of Fame New Hampshire BT-99
We were recently contacted by an FFL in Texas. He is handling an estate sale and came across a New Hampshire version of a 1987 promotional Browning BT-99 that was done for the ATA Hall of Fame. The wife of the former owner wanted to offer it to a New Hampshire shooter before listing it for general sale, due to the connection to New Hampshire. Please check out the FOR SALE page for the listing.
Mike Blaisdell’s 100,000th Handicap Target!
Congratulations to Mike Blaisdell on not only winning Open Veteran in the South Dakota Handicap Championship with a 96, but during that event he logged his 100,000th registered handicap target! Check out the PHOTOS page for a photo of Bob Felber presenting Mike with his 100,000th Handicap Target Pin. Congrats!
Upcoming Events
Our Purpose
To do all things necessary and incidental to the maintenance and support of trapshooting in New Hampshire, to furnish recreational entertainment for New Hampshire citizens interested in trapshooting, and to foster the principles of good fellowship, good sportsmanship, and a higher standard of marksmanship among our members.